Over the early part of 2024, the CQC started to roll out its new Single Assessment Framework (SAF). The ‘single’ part of the SAF means that it now only has one framework for all providers to work within rather than the previous three, which were for hospitals, adult social care and primary medical services. This will make it easier for users of the service to understand what good quality care looks like across all service providers. The SAF introduces several changes from the previous system. Gone are the Key Lines of Enquiry (KLoEs), which the CQC has replaced with Quality Statements (QS). There is a new evidence-based rating system which uses a scoring system rather than a textual-based system. The nature and timing of inspections has changed with quicker turnaround times. There will also be a process in due course to submit further evidence through a new provider portal which could make changes to ratings a more speedy process. To help you navigate the changes within the new Single Assessment Framework, we’ve put together our new CQC Single Assessment Framework Toolkitin which we explain the CQC’s requirements so you can ensure you’ve made necessary changes. We talk you through the new changes and requirements in the format of Plan, Do, Check, Act – to help you tackle the changes systematically and continuously develop your processes. |
Included in your CQC Single Assessment Framework Toolkit is a Special Report which covers: – Single Assessment Framework Requirements: we dive into the new requirements and the changes you may need to make to prepare for your first assessment. – How to Implement the Changes Required within the Single Assessment Framework: we look at how you can amend your practices to suit the new way of working. – Ensuring Your Evidence Meets the Needs of the Single Assessment Framework: guidance to help you identify and understand the type of evidence you’ll need to provide for each Quality Statement. – How the New Rating System Will Work: guidance to help you understand the areas in which to focus upon to help obtain or maintain a good rating. Plus these expert-created documents and tools: – Quality Improvement Template – Evidence Analysis Template – Quality Statement Gap Analysis Example – Evidence Categories and Examples – Infection Prevention and Control Quality Statement Evidence Example – Evidence Scoring Example – Rating Example – Safe Key Question: Example Scores Download your free CQC Single Assessment Framework Toolkit today and ensure you are meeting these new requirements. |
In 2021, the CQC launched its new strategy, A new strategy for the changing world of health and social care. The document laid out its intention to change the way it regulates services. It introduced four key topics that it will focus on: people and communities, smarter regulation, safety through learning and accelerating improvement. And cutting across these topics are two main aims which are to: ● Assess local services to ensure these are working well together. ● Tackle inequalities, ensuring everyone can gain equal access, experiences and outcomes from health and social care services. The new Single Assessment Framework will help the CQC to achieve these aims. These changes welcome the new Quality Statements – which outline the quality a provider must commit to and they are based on a Good rating. There are statements for each of the 5 key questions but are much more succinct than the old KLoEs as there are only 34 statements, instead of the 122 within the KloEs document. So, how do you amend your practices to meet the CQC’s new inspection methods? There are several steps you will need to take to ensure you meet the CQC’s new inspection model. This will enable you to prepare for the new system so that, when it comes to the inspection, you will have all the evidence to hand in the right way. In our CQC Single Assessment Framework Toolkit, we talk you through the preparations to ensure you are ready for your next inspection. |