We are a team of experienced care providers, clinical nurses and sector experts.
We are Bedfordshire Care Group Limited (BCG Ltd), a team of experienced care providers, managers and clinical nurses.
Together we assist Local Authorities and the Integrated Care Service across Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK).
Our work with partners includes staff training and development, supporting the implementation of the EHiCH framework, the Trusted Assessor programme, implementation of the care home digitisation programme, international recruitment, and personalised care planning.
We are a member organisation and act as a single voice for the sector!
Want to keep up tp date? We work hard to share weekly bulletins to keep members informed. Do you want to know how the CQC is changing? What digital offer we have? How our trusted assessors support timely discharge from hospital?
Training and development is vital to us all, and we can help. We deliver training across BLMK on behalf of our partners.
Feel alone? You aren’t! We are a collection of people all working for the same aim, to support people to live the best lives they can. Join us to add your voice of support!
Working to support providers stay up to date with local, regional and national policy. Why not join us at one of our events.